Artistic & Magical Creations to engage your intellect, enrich your soul and enchant your heart

Sleight of Hand Artist:

Sleight of Hand Artist, Steven Carlson

Sleight of Hand Artist Steven Carlson performing coin magic.

SLEIGHT OF HAND: The use of digital dexterity and cunning to deceive.

The sleight of hand artist relies upon digital skills to accomplish his illusions. These techniques are invisible to the audience. The juggler openly displays his hard earned skills. The sleight of hand artist hides them. They are concealed within natural movements and actions.

Beyond the finely acquired skills of his dexterous fingers the sleight of hand artist also relies upon other subtleties to accomplish his deceptions: Psychology and timing, language both verbal and physical, help him in deceiving all of the audience’s senses.

Sleight of hand is synonymous with the art of close up magic. It’s a form of magic performed within close proximity to the audience. The objects used are common everyday items, playing cards, coins, paper currency even cell phones. Though anything that fits into the artist’s hands becomes magical. This impromptu style of close range magic makes deception seem totally impossible, yet amazingly, the totally impossible still occurs.

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